
  • 王娟(Celia)

  •     王娟(Celia) 主授课程:新概念,考试类写作,词汇专项 被学生亲切地称为拥有最灿烂笑容的新东方老师。毕业于北京大学。曾在2008北京奥运会“同一个世界同一个梦想-国际奥委会奥林匹克珍藏品中国巡展”中任“文化大使”一职。游历过56个城市,经历过3次死里逃生。一直信奉“读万卷书,行万里路”是一个人一生的财富。课堂上的她特别爱笑,生活中的她唱歌经常跑调。喜欢英文,热爱写作。教学中思路清晰、分析深入、张弛有道。使学生在目不暇接中体会语言背后的文化力量。 王娟老师的课堂永远是这样一个等式:王娟+英语=享受快乐. 最喜欢说的话:不要放弃思考和批判的权利 Wang Juan (Celia) She has graduated from Peking University and has traveled to more than 56 cities till now .English .writing is one of her favorite hobbies and she loves to share everything in happiness during her classes. She would like to say that Celia wants to be a friend of you on the journey between who you think you are and who you can be. Courses: new concept English, English writing ,lexicology