2009年9月3日,美国新泽西州普林斯顿市 —— 美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)官员今天宣布,全球托福考生和他们所申请的高等院校将以更快捷的速度收到托福考试(TOEFL)成绩。
ETS全球产品管理执行总监Teresa Sanchez-Lazer表示:“考生们希望更快地获得托福考试成绩,因而我们努力满足他们的需求。目前是我们托福考试成绩报告改进项目的第一阶段,我们通过提高工作效率将流程缩短了一周。我们在年初进行了试点并取得了很好的效果。我们期待着在该项目的第二阶段进一步提升我们的服务。”
ETS全球副总裁兼首席运营官David Hunt表示:“更为快捷的成绩报告服务将为广大托福考生和高等院校带来切实的帮助。招生院校能够更快地获得考生成绩,考生则能更快地得知录取结果,给各方都带来了便利。”
ETS Announces Quicker Reporting of TOEFL® ScoresHighlighted Links
PRINCETON, NJ--(Marketwire - September 3, 2009) - Students, and the universities around the world to which they apply for admission, will receive their TOEFL® (Test of English as a Foreign Language™) test scores much more quickly, ETS officials announced today.
The time taken to report TOEFL scores on the Web has been reduced from three weeks to two weeks, and printed score reports will also arrive faster. The improved turnaround time is part of ETS's ongoing efforts to improve the experience of test takers and score recipients. Additional improvements in score reporting time are planned.
"Test takers requested faster score reporting and that's what we gave them," explains Teresa Sanchez-Lazer, Executive Director of Global Product Management at ETS. "We introduced efficiencies and cut one week off of the process. We tried it out earlier this year and it worked very well. We look forward to further improvements in the second phase of the project."
"Reporting scores more quickly helps test takers and universities in a very tangible way," says ETS Global Vice President and Chief Operating Officer David Hunt. "Scores get to universities sooner and test takers learn of admission decisions much quicker. It's easier and faster for everyone."