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名师支招:学有妙招 轻松搞定SAT填空题
核心提示:SAT是标准化考试,它有一个最大的特定,就是题目的稳定性。把握SAT填空题的特定出题特点就可以攻克这一题型。SAT填空题的特点是“一词定天下”,解题过程中只需要精准的理解一个核心词,便足以使你像刘翔一样跨越这些障碍,这个词我们称作“中心逻辑词”。 搞定完形填空,成为SAT填空题达人,就在一词之间。
ncy C aggravated..inflexibility D dispelled..vacillation E bolstered..doggedness

此例中,如果考生能对reversal这个词有准确理解的话,答案会很迅速被选出。在《韦氏大学词典》中,reversal的解释为:a change to an opposite arragement, process or course of action. 很显然最高法院既然更改了以前的判决就损坏了其立法的延续性,答案选B.


(1)OG-454-S2-5: Just as glass windows offer buildings both light and insulation, certain atmospheric gases___ incoming sunlight and___ heat radiated from the ground, preventing warmth from escaping. (正确答案:admit….. contain)

(2)2008.01-S5-3:The attempts of epidemiologists to___ the infectious disease ultimately proved futile: as soon as they managed to___ it in one community, it would emerge somewhere else。(正确答案:contain…check)

多义单词也是SAT填空部分放难题的地方,比如第一题和第二题的contain都是“抑制”的意思,常见的熟词僻义可能在SAT填空或者阅读的词汇题中出现:bear: 包含,fashion: 形成,deliberate: 深思熟虑,address: 做演讲,指出,appropriate: 挪用公款,champion: 支持,balloon: 上升,flag: 削弱,spring: 涌现,table: 列举,sugar: 使赏心悦目,crude: 粗鲁的,hatch: 沉思,associate: 支持等。另外一种熟词僻义是单词“变形”后意思产生变化,比如加了ed或者ing等之后意思发生了变化:commit(犯罪,衷心)——committed(衷心的)——noncommittal 不表示意见的(refusing to bind oneself to a particular course of action or view or the like)。


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