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核心提示:现在的就业市场竞争十分激烈─根据美国劳工部(U.S. Department ofLabor)最新的公司招聘及人才流动数据,每一个招聘职位对应超过6.1名应聘者;因此,在面试时给招聘方留下深刻印象显得尤为重要。

Using clicheacutes like 'This is my dream job' are also major turn offs for hiring managers. Instead of telling an interviewer you think outside the box, actually do it. Ms. Willoughby recalls a job candidate for anIT programmer position who gently pointed out that the Center for Disability Rights' Web site had several programming errors. 'He handled it in a way that didn't make us feel ridiculed or demeaned,' she says.'It showed that he was really serious about the job.'


Shawn Desgrosellier, president of Vitality Group Executive Search, coaches job candidates to go into an interview with something anything in their hands. The step maintainsfocus. (He suggested a pen, a notepad or your résumé。) 'It's just awkward going into an interview with nothing,' he says。

一家猎头公司Vitality Group Executive Search的总裁肖恩•戴斯格罗斯勒(ShawnDesgrosellier)建议应聘者参加面试时手上一定要拿点东西──随便什么都行,这样能让你保持专注。(他建议拿一支笔、一本笔记本或一份自己的简历)“两手空空走进面试地点会让人有些手足无措,”他说道。

There's also some good news for people with numerous public profiles online: Although social mediasites such as Twitter and Facebook are rife with clues about jobcandidates' private lives, 75% of HR managers surveyed don't bother tocheck them。

对那些在网上有很多公开档案和记录的人来说,现在有一个好消息。虽然Twitter 和Facebook这样的社交网站上充斥着很多关于应聘者私人生活的信息,但75%的人力资源经理根本不想费事去查它。

And the formal thank-you letter after the interview? More than 60% of HR managers who responded say skipping the step is not a big deal. A brief email will suffice cards and balloons are all over board。



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