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双语天地:教你成功创业6 TIPS
核心提示:如果你开始创业,你的工作就不是职责定义明确的一份工作和责任了。你会在突然间有了多份工作,也会被不可预见的危机中断创业(尤其是在起始阶段)。很多打工者习惯了每天按照既定的进程工作,而创业者则不行。 所以下文将着重介绍一些创业技巧,并双语注释,便于提高你的英语水平
4.When you're self-employed, you have to be able to plan ahead。


  Yourlast job may have involved no planning at all, as that was someoneelse's job. Or perhaps your job involved planning on a localized level,such as planning a particular project. If you want to start a business,you need to develop expertise in both short-term and long-range planning; it's about to become a big part of your life。


  When you start a business, one of your first tasks will be to work through abusiness plan. As your business becomes operational, you'll find thatthis plan (however detailed) needs to be revised and that other plansneed to be created, as you work towards the long-range goals thatyou've set for your business. From following someone else's plan as anemployee, you have to learn how to create the plans yourself - andadapt the plans to changing circumstances。



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